CTE Business & Industry Night Was A Blast!
Our 2023 SiskiyouWorks CTE Business and Industry Night was on Sept 18th and it was a blast. We had a very informative presentation from the folks at CleanStart Energy as well as a Virtual Reality demo from TRANSFR.

I don’t think we will be offending any of the presenters when we say that the highlight of the evening was the amazing dinner, served and prepared by SUHSD Culinary, Miner Kitchen, Dunsmuir HS, Etna HS and Happy Camp HS Culinary. These students out did their selves with an array of mouth-watering appetizers followed by a full buffet style dinner.

After the presentation business representatives and educators broke off into separate Advisory Meetings to discuss how we might improve the educational environment moving forward.

All in all it was a fantastic event.