OPEC Training Academy

Registration is required to attend the Training Academy live sessions – please forward this information to your staff and partners. Visit the website to view full descriptions and to register: https://blogs.oregonstate.edu/opectrainingacademy/

A Thousand Small Cuts: Recognizing Microaggressions against the LGBTQ+ Community

Kaig Lightner MSW, Founder & CEO, Quantum Gender LLC

“1 in 5 LGBTQ workers have been told by coworkers that they should dress more feminine or masculine” (HRC Foundation 2018). A snide comment here or an off-putting look there just one time can be ignored, but when LGBTQ+ people are subjected to small, subtle jabs, known as microaggressions, over and over it has drastic impacts. In this interactive session, you will learn about the different types of microaggressions, the role implicit bias plays in these kinds of interactions and strategies to interrupt it.  A second session will be offered on February 9; registration details to follow.

Tuesday, February 9 @10-11:30 am

“No You Can’t Touch My Hair”: Everyday Microaggressions in Our Ever-Complex World

Daphnee Nicolas, Early Childhood Program Manager, Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence &

Shauna Tominey, Assistant professor of Practice & Parenting Education Specialist, Oregon State University

Microaggressions are subtle gestures, comments, and biased behaviors towards marginalized groups. Join Daphnee Nicolas and Shauna Tominey for a conversation on recognizing microaggressions and implicit bias and consider how each can impact interactions with children and families in early childhood and parenting education settings. Through activities, discussion, and reflection, participants will learn strategies to foster school and community environments where all children and families feel welcome and valued. Interpretation is available during the live meeting.

Tuesday, February 23 @ 10-11:30 am

“No, No Puedes Tocarme el Cabello”: Las Microagresiones Cotidianas en Nuestro Mundo Siempre Complejo

Las microagresiones son gestos sutiles, comentarios y comportamientos sesgados hacia grupos marginados. Acompañe a Daphnee Nicolas y Shauna Tominey en una charla sobre cómo reconocer las microagresiones y el sesgo implícito, y considerar el modo en que cada uno de ellos puede afectar las interacciones con los niños y sus familias en los ambientes de la primera infancia y de educación para la crianza de niños. Mediante actividades, diálogo y reflexiones, los participantes aprenderán las estrategias para fomentar ambientes escolares y comunitarios donde todos los niños y sus familias se sientan bien recibidos y valorados. La interpretación está disponible durante el seminario en vivo.

martes 23 de febrero a las 10-11: 30 am